Bamako, Mali – In a move to spur economic growth and create employment opportunities, the Mali government has extended an invitation to Ambassador Edd Branson and the AfriUSA Business Initiative. The invitation was made by Amadou Keita, the Minister of Mines in Mali, who expressed excitement about the prospects of collaboration.


Minister Keita stated, “We warmly welcome Ambassador Edd Branson and the AfriUSA Business Initiative to Mali. We are eager to work together to generate employment opportunities for our people and drive economic transformation.” The partnership aims to focus on sectors such as mining, finance, and technology, which are vital for the country’s development.


Sources indicate that the AfriUSA Business Initiative and Ambassador Edd Branson have plans to structure deals amounting to over $500 million USD in Mali. This significant investment is expected to fuel economic growth and help bolster various sectors of the Malian economy.


The collaboration between AfriUSA Business Initiative and the Mali government was made possible through the investment promotion initiatives driven by Fencorp Global. Fencorp Global, an investment promotion firm headquartered in Delaware, USA, has operations in South Africa and The Gambia.



Ambassador Edd Branson, known for his expertise in business and socio-economic development, expressed enthusiasm about the partnership with Mali. He emphasized the potential for mutual benefit and shared prosperity, stating, “We are committed to working closely with the Mali government to drive sustainable development and create opportunities that uplift the lives of the Malian people.”


The visit of Ambassador Edd Branson and the AfriUSA Business Initiative to Mali marks a promising chapter in the country’s journey towards economic advancement and prosperity. The government’s efforts to attract foreign investments and expertise are expected to stimulate job creation and transform the Malian economy.

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